We’ve come to the conclusion that the missing 4 other ships have sunk… I think we are all a little shaken up by that discovery. Anyways, the crew got back together at Mozambique and we reached Calicut off the Malabar Coast in India. We have just anchored the ships and stepped foot on the bay area. I think we are all taking in our sights. It’s absolutely beautiful.
I feel the state of peace washing over me as I look around. I actually kinda forget why we are here. There is green grass everywhere once you look farther than the beach. The palm trees are tall and healthy with delicious looking coconuts. I hear this loud noise and I think it’s an.. elephant? I don’t think I have ever seen one of those in real life before. This is so exciting. I watch as something spooked all these exotic birds and sent them flying out over the trees.
I feel the state of peace washing over me as I look around. I actually kinda forget why we are here. There is green grass everywhere once you look farther than the beach. The palm trees are tall and healthy with delicious looking coconuts. I hear this loud noise and I think it’s an.. elephant? I don’t think I have ever seen one of those in real life before. This is so exciting. I watch as something spooked all these exotic birds and sent them flying out over the trees.